Grace Covenant International
Unified to reach the world for Christ.

Alexander George
country: LIBERIA

covenant member since: 2012

More about pastor alexander george:
For over a decade, Liberia has been recovering from more than 20 years of civil war. It's taking time for this country that was so ravaged by civil war, to get moving again economically. There is great opportunity for the gospel of Jesus. The Church of Jesus Christ can lay a firm spiritual foundation as this nation rebuilds.
Our work in Liberia involves church planting and leadership development. Pastor Alexander George is apostolic and our point leader. He is the senior pastor of a church in Buchanan City. From this "mother church", he is establishing daughter churches. To date he has planted daughter churches in multiple other communities.
Grace Covenant's work thus far has been to offer leadership training and support for these church planting efforts. We are partnering with these national leaders to bring more of Jesus into more of Liberia.

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Grace Covenant International
PO Box 588 Platte City, MO 64079
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