Grace Covenant International
Unified to reach the world for Christ.
Whether you're a ministry currently affiliated with another organization, a church seeking a covering, or someone looking for a ministry family, read on to learn more about the vision of Grace Covenant International.
Four-Fold Ministry Focus
World Missions
Church Planting
Spiritual Renewal
Team Concept Of Ministry:
Grace Covenant International is a Family of Christian churches and ministries which are evangelical and Spirit-filled. Our passion is to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ for salvation and to disciple believers toward a Spirit-filled Christian life of purity and power, to serve the Kingdom purposes of God. Our mission is to bring this message and ministry to all nations. Our heart is to link in partnership with other like-minded churches and ministries combining our efforts for the work of the Gospel. We believe strongly that ministry flows through relationship and community. Belonging to a broader fellowship, investing in relationships and serving in partnership, ministries will be encouraged and strengthened for their individual tasks of ministry. Corporately, we will make a greater impact for the Kingdom of God through our team effort. We believe we can do more together for Jesus than we can do separately.
Core Value: Ministry flows through relationship!
benefits of connection
Spiritual Covering of prayer, counsel, encouragement, coaching and accountability for ministries.
Ministry Network Link for global vision and impact.
Avenue of Training, mentoring, coaching and placement for people called to fulltime Christian service.
Retreats, Conferences, Camps and training events plus opportunities for mission and ministry for local church membership.
Strategy, Support and Service for new ministry ventures locally, regionally and globally.
Variety of Ministry Resources available for the encouragement and equipping of believers for greater service.
Covenant Connection:
"…I will make you a covenant for the people, to restore the land and to reassign its inheritances, to say to the captives, 'Come out,' and to those in darkness, 'Be free!'"
Isaiah 49:8-9
The Covenant Of Grace
The Covenant of Grace is an agreement to enter into spiritual relationship for mutual encouragement and accountability, while combining our efforts to proclaim Jesus to the world. Our desire is connection, not control. The relationship is defined by a basic commitment to one another, agreeing to the following points:
Grace Covenant International agrees to:
Include every affiliated minister and ministry into the fellowship of a team effort to reach the world for Christ.
Make available a network of prayer, fellowship, encouragement, spiritual care and equipping resources for every minister and ministry.
Provide a support system to assist in the spiritual and financial accountability as a protection for all ministers and ministries.
Provide an avenue for persons called into fulltime Christian service to receive: counsel, training, ministerial credentials and placement for service; and to provide a network to fill personnel needs in membership churches and ministries.
Provide opportunities to extend the Kingdom of God by planting new churches, ministries and establishing foreign mission fields through our partnership.
Churches and ministries agree to:
Be in harmony with the Statement of Faith of Grace Covenant International.
Have a compatible style of leadership with that of Grace Covenant International.
Actively participate as a membership church or ministry in the conferences, camps, retreats and fellowship events of Grace Covenant International.
Support their leadership's participation with other Grace Covenant International ministers for fellowship, spiritual encouragement and mutual accountability.
Participate financially in the ministry of Grace Covenant International.
Core Value: We endeavor to serve the Body of Christ with a Kingdom heart.
Biblical Leadership:
Biblical Leadership is relational, servant-oriented and empowering. The Biblical intention is for the five-fold ministry gifts (Apostolic Ministry) to be recognized and operational for the Church to advance the Kingdom.
“It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.”
Ephesians 4:11-13
Core Value: Leadership, equipping and Kingdom expansion flows through apostolic ministry.